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SARPRO Virtual Electric Panel


Sarpro Virtual Electric Panel is a ready-to-use valuable solution for energy metering and remote control.

Turn that old, not fashionable, off-line electric panel into a web dashboard with real-time online information, alarm settings and data record for useful reports and smarter analysis.

Control and monitor motors, pumps or any other electrical device from everywhere using a smart device.


SARPRO Irrigation Controller


Turn your manual operation to automatic or update that old off-line controlling system with Sarpro Irrigation Controller.

Just connect the hydraulic valves on field to Sarpro Irrigation Controller and start remote control and monitoring your irrigation system from Sarpro WebApp.

Become Smart your farm or landscaping project haven't been that quickly and easy before. Use the most flexible, economic and Plug & Play solution.



For major devices:
multi brand,
multi model,
multi interfaces
& multi protocols.

User friendly

The only control
system that let
you interact with
a custom image
for easy operation.


Users can easily
add support to
Sarpro WebApp
for existing and
custom devices


Do what you couldn't before

Ensure Operations Compliance

Follow and assure correct operations.

Remote Supervision

Come closer to operations.

Real-Time information

Follow your operations in real-time.

Be Aware on Time

Be noticed directly when things happen.

Get Customizable Reports

Flexibility for highly custizable reports.

Keep Historical Data

Keep all your generated information.

Get Data for Analytics

Generate data for Analytics and smarter decisions.

Better Cost Assignment

Direct cost assigment for precisely costing.

Key Performance Indicators

Use KPIs for a quantifiable measure of performance over the time.

Trusted By Top Companies

Sarpro has allow us to integrate different equiptment throughout our extensive electric grid: electric control panels of valves, motors and pumps, electric generators, transfer switches, capacitors banks, reclosers switches and, recently, the inverters of our photovoltaic systems.

Integrating all existing devices, from different manufacturers, models and communication systems under a single integrating system available in the cloud, add value to ours operations, to different supervision levels and let us take asertives decissions."

Estuardo Masias Malaga, CEO
The information we manage since Sarpro implementation is highly valuable for our operations, for our records and extremely useful for decisions driving. It definitely changed the way we work."
Victor Mancini, Farms Chief
This totally changed the way we work."
Pedro Surita, Operator
Want to Remote Control and Monitor with SARPRO? Contact Op-Au now »